Alexander Miller – The best man
“When I was creating work for my Youth and Young Manhood portfolio, I drew inspiration from old photographs of my Grandad a a young man. I was also influenced by a new TV series that a lot of people were talking about – so a number of my drawings and paintings also drew inspiration from the BBC series Peaky Blinders”
Boutique, Framed, Signed Limited Edition
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Alexander Miller – The best man
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Meet the Birds 15 minutes in the Aviary to enjoy watching & listening to our birds Have a seat & some quiet time in our aviary and enjoy watching & listening to our Canaries. You can also see our Zebra Finches, Java Sparrows, Diamond Doves, Bengalese finch, & Chinese Quails Must be pre-booked – call 01360 550297 Parent or guardian must be present as all times. Staff member will also be present at all times. Please note any cancellation or reschedule made less than 24 hours of your booking cannot be refunded.
Meet the Rabbits 15 minutes in with Rabbits You can enjoy some quiet time with our rabbits. Just hugs or you can brush them too. Must be pre-booked – call 01360 550297 Parent or guardian must be present as all times. Staff member will also be present at all times. Please note any cancellation or reschedule made less than 24 hours of your booking cannot be refunded.
Meet the Goats 15 minutes in with Maverick & Goose They are lovable but can cause chaos, so be prepared for them to jump up at you & they will try to nibble your clothes, but they are great fun & love getting the attention Must be pre-booked – call 01360 550297 Parent or guardian must be present as all times. Staff member will also be present at all times. Please note any cancellation or reschedule made less than 24 hours of your booking cannot be refunded.
Meet the Animals A half hour in the Garden This is a chance to pamper the ponies, rabbits & goats, & you can also see our chinchillas, fish, birds ducks, & quails. Must be pre-booked – call 01360 550297 Parent or guardian must be present as all times. Staff member will also be present at all times.
Alexander Miller Artwork
"The person in the family that I saw the least of was my Dad. I guess this was the case in most families back in the day as practically all our dads had jobs. When we got up in the morning to go to school they had long since departed to go to whatever employment they were engaged in. Looking back, the few times that we spent together were very precious to me for the years go past too quickly. Times change, circumstances alter and before you know it you are an adult yourself with your own set of challenges to deal with. Memories resurface like snapshots in an old photo album, like hanging on to his hair as carried me on his shoulders back home from grannie's house. He would pretend to loose his balance, having me believe I was going to be dropped into a neighbour's garden. He would also perch me on the crossbar of his bike, holding on to the saddle as I held on to the handle bars thinking I was in full control even though my legs barely touched the peddles. All too quickly time passes and the big burly man you remember as your dad turns sadly to an image of an old man struggling to breathe. His death was a kind release from his suffering from a long illness and for me turned into one of the most challenging times of my life. After a complete mental and physical breakdown I emerged from it a stronger individual and was able to master my grief by means of my art. I used all the memories that had be given to me in that small family unit in that equally small village of Springside, turning what I remembered into paintings of a bygone and happier era. So thank you Dad for all that you gave to me, whether you realised it or not, I will cherish all the memories all the days of my life. If my paintings make you the viewer feel the same way about your own personal history then it makes me doubly glad. So I raise a glass to you dad, Cheers!" Boutique, Framed, Signed Limited Edition
Meet the Rabbits 15 minutes in with Rabbits You can enjoy some quiet time with our rabbits. Just hugs or you can brush them too. Must be pre-booked – call 01360 550297 Parent or guardian must be present as all times. Staff member will also be present at all times. Please note any cancellation or reschedule made less than 24 hours of your booking cannot be refunded.
Alexander Miller Artwork
"Growing up in the west of Scotland, with the weather coming off the Atlantic, the east coast of the country seemed a strange and foreign land, rarely visited. With glorious sunrises, a drier climate and buildings with crow stepped gables, the Fife fishing villages had more in common with the Low Countries and Scandinavia. It was only in my adulthood that I started to appreciate this lovely corner of the world; another piece in the mosaic of scenery, culture and people that makes Scotland a very special place." Boutique, Framed, Signed Limited Edition
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